STELLA S (23/24)
Women Size
Circumference in cm |
Size |
Circumference in cm |
Size |
Kids / Junior Size
Age |
How to measure:
This is how you find your glove size: measure your hand circumference on both hands at its widest point. The resulting circumference corresponds to the specified LEKI glove sizes.
If one of your hands measures bigger than the other, go with the bigger measurement. If you are in between two sizes we recommend sizing up.
LEKI does not sell to customers located within the following states due to the prohibitive local tax laws - AL and LA.
Experience the perfect blend of technology and fashion with our STELLA S women's gloves. Crafted with a combination of softshell and premium Sheepskin, these gloves offer a warm and comfortable fit that you'll love. Waterproof and designed to protect you from the elements, our STELLA S gloves provide exceptional warmth and ensure you stay dry throughout your time on the mountain.